News: Global economy could face 50% loss in GDP between 2070 and 2090 from climate shocks, say actuaries

News: Global economy could face 50% loss in GDP between 2070 and 2090 from climate shocks, say actuaries

Reducing global greenhouse gas emissions at the pace and scale required, to ensure our health and survival.

We are calling for mass action: from individuals to industries.

We are leveraging the global healthcare economy to catalyse social and economic change.


nets are full of holes.

“Net Zero Emissions” refers to all greenhouse gases that are emitted being somehow “drawn down”  from the atmosphere and permanently stored. The problem is that there is currently no way to do this. There is no time to wait for it to be invented and deployed. We must prioritise getting as close to real zero emissions as possible, right now, while we wait.

What’s going on?

Plate, Planet, People

Episode 4 of the Real Zero podcast!

Rethinking Food in a Changing Climate with Paul Newnham

Potato and Pea FRitters

We tried this delicious new plant-based recipe this month, and we think you should try it too!

The Latest news

Global economy could face 50% loss in GDP between 2070 and 2090 from climate shocks, say actuaries

January 17th 2025

time for real zero.