Our mission: to transition UK healthcare organisations to sustainable plant-centred catering that improves nutritional health, and aids climate change mitigation.
The relationship between food and climate change is important, and bidirectional. Food systems are responsible for 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions (Lancet 2023 countdown report). Increases in deforestation, agricultural land use, use of pesticides and fertilisers, water use, and reduced soil quality have resulted from an expanding global population. 57% of agricultural emissions are from red meat and milk, and agriculture is now considered the greatest contributor to environmental changes that now breach planetary boundaries[VB1] .
Food scarcity, which already affects around 800 million people[VB2] , is projected to worsen due to climate change with a global average reduction of 3.2% in per-person food availability by 2050[VB3] . Decreased water availability, increasing global temperatures, a reduction in pollinators (affecting crops), and extreme weather events, key features of the climate crisis, will result in reduced nutrient availability which will be unequally distributed across the world[VB4] .
Meanwhile dietary transitions to western diets high in processed foods, meat, and dairy contribute to the growing non-communicable disease burden of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. 26% of adult deaths globally are attributed to suboptimal diet[VB5] .
Progress has already been made on this front in New York where NYC Health and Hospitals transformed their catering service whilst preserving patient choice. They utilised theories of health behaviour to nudge patients towards plant-based options resulting in 60% of patients choosing plant-based meals, 95% satisfaction rates, cost savings of $500,000. Our belief in this approach stems from its inclusivity, health benefits, and sustainability which if implemented at scale would result in a significant reduction in health sector emissions in the UK.
Every one of us, every business, every hospital, can maximise health and prevent disease through consumption of healthy low carbon diets that optimise nutritional requirements and tackle climate change.