Our work: MoRe Plant-based food
Plant-based Food in healthcare Workshop, July 18th 2024
We hosted a fantastic workshop to develop a clinically and commercially viable approach to plant-based food provision across healthcare settings.
Developed with Shireen Kassam, founder of Plant Based Health Professionals UK, and with collaborators from the NHS and independent sector, representation was truly multidisciplinary including dieticians, nurses and doctors of all seniority, and those with senior roles in sustainability, catering provision, procurement, supply chains and public health.
Fantastic presentations and shared learning came from University Hospital Southampton in partnership with Serco; The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital alongside ISS; as well as Nuffield Health and their partners at Sodexo. We were fortunate to hear from Greener by Default and Pulse Kitchen who showcased how to deliver fantastic solutions using change theory, as well as an incredible lunch that perfectly represented the subject matter.
The meeting laid the foundations upon which to develop our programme of work - ultimately transforming food provision in healthcare to deliver delicious, nutritious food which also helps save money and our planet, while also improving health and supporting British farmers. This summer, we will produce an evidence-based outline case for wider engagement using case studies from our collaborators. An exciting few months are ahead of us!