5. more pre-loved

More Pre-loved; Local & Low-Carbon Brands – Why?

The fashion industry is the second-largest industrial polluter, accounting for 10% of global pollution, ranking higher than emissions from air travel! [i]

Around 350,000 tonnes of pre-worn, but still wearable, clothing ends up as textile waste in landfill in the UK every year. [ii]  Tackling waste, saving water, reducing plastic, supporting ethical supply chains, reducing emissions and saving costs are amongst the benefits of buying pre-loved fashion. Likewise for accessories, furniture, appliances, books etc, almost everything can be bought second-hand, or can be mended or re-purposed. 


Take Action!

Which? Has a useful guide: How to buy second hand online

[i].               https://carbonliteracy.com/fast-fashions-carbon-footprint/

[ii].              https://www.greenheartcollective.uk/blogs/news/ten-great-reasons-to-buy-preloved