7. Motivate your loved ones

Motivate Your Loved Ones; To Perform Their 7 Acts To Save The World – Why?

We all have to act now if we are to have a viable future.  That is absolutely everyone. You need to motivate your loved ones, and all who you know, to each perform their 7 Acts. You have at least 7 people who love or respect you enough to take action. List them and engage them. Those 7 move after you?  That’s 8. Each of them gets 7 more (49)? That’s now 57. Each of those 49 get 7 more…and 400 have changed already. 

There is a strong evidence base on “behaviour change” solutions that work and are immediately available.[i]


“We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.”

Anne-Marie Bonneau – Zero Waste Chef

[i].               https://www.sgr.org.uk/resources/why-behaviour-change-better-bet-techno-optimism


Take Action!

Make a list of those you can influence most. Make it easy for them: pass them the link to this site, or invite them over for a ‘switching party’ and supper. Use every opportunity - socially and at work - to get people to join you in doing the right thing.