4. More green travel

More Green Travel – Why?

The transport sector alone accounted for 8 billion tonnes CO₂e emissions in 2022, or 14% of all emissions worldwide and 24% of the UK’s total emissions in 2020 (406 MtCO₂e).

We should be walking or cycling where possible, and there needs to be an increase in the use of public transport (bus and train) to reduce car and plane travel. Global CO₂ emissions from aviation have quadrupled since the 1960s! [i]

Active transport such as walking or cycling is also better for your health, as exercise “can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%.”[ii]

Route Zero World  is a great resource which can help you find, compare and take low-carbon (and low cost!) travel.

[i].               https://ourworldindata.org/global-aviation-emissions#

[ii].              https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/exercise-health-benefits/


Take Action!

Transport-related emissions can be reduced by buying less (goods are transported, after all), but by travelling more wisely ourselves: online meetings > walk or cycle > mass transport >> flying.

Work from home (so long as power and heating is from 100% renewable sources), where you can, or support that. Buy a bike, or support bike-to-work schemes. Minimise face-to-face board meetings which involve travel. Don’t support, or take, internal UK flights - even Scotland is circa 4 hrs by train from London. If continental meetings are held, Eurostar has a very low carbon footprint.


Excellent sources of planning information include;


